The Top Ten Causes of Long Distance Arguments

By Debbie Anderson

This is a breakdown of the top ten causes of arguments that can lead to the failure of a long distance relationship.

  • Try not to act like a control freak. Don't force the other person to communicate with you. Don't give ultimatums or say things in letters or emails that you can never take back. Plus, no matter how hard people try to avoid it, e-mail can be misinterpreted and then the couple spend their time trying to rectify what was "said."
  • Forget about the daily phone call. One partner or the other usually starts to resent the expense. You will find that not much changes from day to day. Keep yourself a little mysterious as banality kills both long distance and regular relationships. Even from a long distance away, you can smother a relationship with banal details.
  • Try to avoid going on and on about your lack of intimacy with each other. It drives women to tears and men to anger. Human beings crave physical affection. People miss the other person's smile, eye contact, scent, touch, kiss, and most aspects of physical intimacy. No matter how much a couple tries, physical interaction cannot be replaced by a phone call, letter or cyber anything. Stay positive.
  • Absence does not make the heart grow fonder, proximity does! After too long a period of time, we as human beings will begin to seek ways to meet our needs, wants and desires much closer to home. This does not have to be a conscious effort, as sometimes it happens almost by accident. We don't want to disappoint or hurt our significant other and feel extremely guilty when we do.
  • Don't ambush your long distance lover. They "surprise visit" each other and then get JEALOUS and upset at what they THINK they see and what they THINK they hear. Most couples are not mature enough to deal with the fact that their significant other now has new "friends" that they know nothing about.
  • Sometimes one person changes and there is nothing the other person can do about it. People simply grow apart and develop new interests. When we are on our own, we find ways to compensate for losses in our life. This is not done out of spite, it is our most basic survival instincts kicking in. Your best course of action if this happens is to stop trying to change the person back and get a life of your own!
  • Don't make it all about sex. Reunions are passionate. Separations are emotional. Often couples get back together and focus SOLELY on the physical aspect they have been missing and craving. This is like putting a Band-Aid on an amputation, as it doesn't feed any aspect of the relationship except physical desire.
  • Don't practice "out of sight, out of mind." Remembering a far away partner takes time and work. People begin to "forget" the other person's wonderful qualities and attributes because they are not being reinforced on a regular basis. We like to be around people who are healthy and who care for us. Our significant others from so far away cannot do these things for us and we can start to resent them.
  • Don't write a "disaster script for your relationship" by predicting doom. Negative attitudes cause fights because your pessimism feels like a curse. They also feel powerless to cheer you up. People try to control each other from a distance, exclaiming such predictions as, "I know you're going to find someone else and cheat on me!" The more a couple tries to control each other, the more they fail.
  • Ironically, the main reason for fighting is getting what they want - to be together. If a couple survives the long distance part, they still may break up when they reunite and move back closer to each other. This is because the anticipation of seeing each other, that drove the sexual part of it all, is suddenly gone.
    If you have traveled a thousand miles to see someone, try to remember why you came there in the first place. If the L word is not on your lips and the person is driving you crazy or has changed from being the person you used to know before you left it might be time to abandon the relationship once and for all.
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