What If You Are Tempted To Cheat?

By Debbie Anderson

Absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Sometimes it makes the heart grow lonely. Usually men cheat because they are bored or have not heard from their long distance partner for a while. They may forget the way their partner smells or even what they look like. Some men simply cannot leave behind the thrill of the hunt, the chase and the conquest. For other men, the excitement is in the variety, like changing ice cream flavors for one day after years of sticking to just one.

Your long distance relationship might be with a beautiful, talented and sexy woman and then suddenly you meet this other beautiful, talented and sexy woman, live and in the flesh. Suddenly, your long distance relationship is about as sensually satisfying a blow up doll.

You might also be tempted to cheat because there is next to no chance of getting caught if your love is a thousand miles a way. Soon that little devil is sitting on your left shoulder and whispering things like "What's wrong with a little flirting? What she doesn't know can't hurt her." Wrong!

Basically if you are tempted to cheat, it means that you really don't want to be in a long distance relationship any more. You may have grown out of it, grown bored, become frustrated or whatever, but the fact you are tempted is a definite sign that is time to move on.

In troubled relationships, cheating can be an easy alternative to the burden of a breakup or the agony of divorce. Also cheating might simply be part of your evolutionary biology, if you want to believe what scientists say about monogamy not being natural for human males.

If you are tempted to cheat, consider if it is because you find your current relationship sexually boring. If that is the case you might be part of the problem. Most men don't like the idea of having "exciting" or "kinky" sex with an intended wife as it makes her seem like a whore more than a virgin. If your tastes are a little kinky then you might be misunderstanding your wife's potential to be adventurous and looking for someone who you can leave.

Another cause of cheating is simply that you might be feeling low without the daily ego stroking and physical affection of your partner. You might also feel the need to prove that you "still have what it takes" if it is a long time between booty calls with your long distance lover. This may encourage you to seek out another kind of stroking somewhere else.

You also might be seeking a kind of secret revenge by cheating. It could be the two of you have been fighting or criticizing each other. Ask yourself if someone you love is in need of some kind of punishment from you before you cheat.
You might also subscribe to the idea that "bad sex is better than no sex at all." Keep in mind that a bad relationship is NOT better than no relationship at all if your lover ever finds out!

Then there is the old "why does a dog lick its balls joke." The answer is because it can. Sometimes a man is presented with what looks like to him as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They become like women who can't resist a bargain in a shoe store.
Instead of cheating, be honest with the woman you have left behind. Tell her that you need to move on. It takes more courage to end a relationship than it does to cheat. Don't keep her waiting by the Yahoo messenger or the telephone. Set her free instead.

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