Long Distance Do's and Don'ts for Women

By Debbie Anderson

Do make a habit of listening to him, instead of talking about yourself all of the time.

Do understand that he has a life, and that if he is focused on you twenty-four hours a day you are probably dealing with someone who is mentally unbalanced.

Do give him his space when he needs it and don't take little silences personally.

Do treat yourself with respect so that he will respect you.

Do leave loving words and emoticons expressing your adoration for him every day.

Don't express jealousy or insecurity by being jealous or clingy.

Don't force him to express himself or make choices by using manipulation, deadlines or ultimatums.

Don't use negative or critical language.

Don't dwell on his past mistakes

Don't call or instant message him repeatedly if you have not heard from him for a while.

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